Ways to Minimize Your Water Bill

Keep Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) out of the Sewer System.

This article from the TCEQ explains why it is important to keep FOG out of the sewer system:

Keeping Fats, Oils, and Grease out of the Sewer System

This second article explains What You Can Do to Reduce FOG:

Reducing Fats, Oils, and Grease in Your Home or Apartment

Do NOT Flush Wipes, or as Patty Potty says, “No Wipes in the Pipes!” #NOWIPES

Learn more about Patty Potty: http://www.pattypotty.com

Efficient Use of Water in the Garden and Landscape

This article from the Texas A & M University describes efficient use of water for irrigation, including irrigation timing, watering techniques, etc.

(Hint: scroll down to the Irrigation Timing, Watering Techniques, and Mulching sections. The first few sections aren’t necessarily relevant.)

Efficient Use of Water in the Garden and Landscape

Additional Ways

This article from Nerd Wallet describes 6 Ways to lower your water bill:

6 Ways to Lower Your Water Bill